by trans-admin | Jan 16, 2018 | Leadership & Management
Janet Britcher was interviewed on Cultural Brilliance Radio with Claudette Rowley, about her book, Zoom Leadership: Change Your Focus, Change Your Insights. This is part 1, in which Janet talks about the need for flexible focus, and introduces us to four “lenses”....
by trans-admin | Dec 19, 2017 | Leadership & Management
Flickr By Janet Britcher Leaders are rightly rewarded for a fixed focus: setting a goal, reaching the goal, forecasting an outcome, staying on budget. Publicly held companies are particularly rewarded for meeting quarterly forecasts. Stock prices are rewarded or...
by trans-admin | Dec 12, 2017 | Leadership & Management
Pixabay: Raw Pixel Risk is relative. Do you love to win, or hate to lose? Behavioral economics offers us some insights. Our emotional reaction to losing is more negative than our positive reaction to winning according to authors Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky....
by trans-admin | Sep 6, 2017 | Leadership & Management
Sarah was a high level senior vice president, preparing for her promotion. She knew that in order to move up, she needed to be ready to replace herself. Leonard was her top choice. He had worked for her for several years; he was ambitious and hard working. He was...
by trans-admin | Jul 31, 2017 | Leadership & Management
Katherine was in an assistant leader role, with a challenging boss. She had worked at the company for many years and Albert had been her boss for the last six. There were days when she knew she made a valuable contribution, but other days she was haunted by a sense of...