by trans-admin | Dec 6, 2016 | Insights
Many managers are stretched thin, juggling multiple priorities, and have little time to reflect on their own career. It can be even harder to carve out the time to give thoughtful feedback to staff. Yet these myths of performance reviews result in a loss of...
by trans-admin | May 6, 2016 | Strategies
Roger hired a new marketing associate, Stan, but Roger was actually out of town the day Stan started. Stan did his best to introduce himself around, read up on the company website, and pretend to be busy. Stan was excited about the job but felt disappointed with day...
by trans-admin | May 6, 2016 | Strategies
Until Brad’s’s last promotion, he just had to keep his boss happy. He was a Director in Community Outreach in a biotech company, and did an outstanding job. Brad kept his boss, Lauren, informed of his projects, his successes, and obstacles. He and Lauren had a good...
by trans-admin | Feb 28, 2016 | Strategies
Scott was baffled. He had interviewed a number of healthcare professionals for a role, and chose one, Brian, based on his energy and inquisitiveness. But 60 days into his employment, already there were problems. Where was the Brian who gave so many compelling answers...
by trans-admin | Feb 28, 2016 | Strategies
Sam knew he deserved the promotion to Operations Supervisor in the pharmaceutical company’s lab where he worked, and was he ever glad. There were some people who were such slouches, he couldn’t wait to bring them in line. Not his close circle of friends, of course...