Leaders are often annoyed that their years of authority and expertise aren’t enough to have a well-thought-out recommendation accepted or decision implemented by their management. They may resent that they need to express their recommendations in terms that are slightly (or very) different from the terms they typically use while on the ground doing their job — terms that are less technical, for example, and more focused on the company’s overall direction and goals.

Some regard that extra step of editing or translating as sucking up, and as a result, avoid doing it altogether. But this can lead to missed opportunities. A higher percentage of your ideas may be acknowledged, adopted and implemented when you modify the wording to be compelling and align them with the interests of the person you’re addressing. That means translating your ideas from the language of your expertise to the language of business and strategy.

The Costs And Benefits Of Jargon

Every job has jargon. The deeper your knowledge of engineering, science, information technology, finance or any other field, the more precise the language needs to be to convey its nuances and complexities. Whether it’s molecules, muscles or manifolds, it’s great to be precise. Everyone in your field benefits from this shared knowledge and precise thought. But everyone outside of your field cannot understand you.

Occasionally, I have found experts refer to this thoughtful rewrite as “dumbing it down.” On the contrary, that belief will prevent you from smartening your message up. Remember the goal is to translate what you are thinking so that others can seriously consider your idea.

What to do?

If you have great ideas that you’re struggling to get implemented, try this experiment:

  1. Write down your recommendation. Find a friend or colleague who is not in your field. Read it to them, and have your listener stop you when they don’t understand what you’re saying. When you are all done and have edited it so the listener understands, have him/her give you a summary beginning with, “The reason this recommendation will benefit the company …”
  2. Have listeners explain back to you their understanding of the recommendation, the outcome and the impact. Ask them to specifically reflect, in plain business language, what will happen when this recommendation is implemented.
  3. Ask them to:
  • Challenge you to articulate the steps needed, the timeline and the necessary resource allocation (people and money).
  • Articulate the odds of success, how you arrived at that, and the risk if your idea is not implemented.
  • Describe the cost — not only of implementing your idea, but also the opportunity costs of not implementing other priorities in order to implement yours first.
  • Explain why yours is still a great idea.

If you are already tired, then maybe the idea wasn’t that important to you. If you are even more energized, now you’re ready to manage up by making your business case.

Why Managing Up Is Not Sucking Up

Sucking up is insincere flattery, and it’s much easier than the steps I have outlined above. Managing up is real work. If you’ve ever found yourself complaining that other people get their ideas accepted and you don’t, here’s your chance to learn what works in your organization. You may feel resentful of others for being “political” through behavior you perceive as sucking up, or angry that your manager is playing favorites. It might seem others are taking credit when they don’t deserve it.

Rather than focusing on these frustrating possibilities or wasting energy assigning blame, choose an innovative action for which you have enthusiasm and agency, for which you can be responsible. Influence an outcome. Take feedback.

Include Others

In translating to make your business case, you also empower others to participate in the thinking with you. They can even add to or improve on your idea. That helps you get buy-in, none of which can happen if you stay in the land of jargon.

True, “sucking up” is using spin: angling for an undeserved promotion, bragging in a self-congratulatory way, heaping empty praise on leaders for brilliant ideas that you don’t really think are very good. That’s it. If you are communicating honestly to set your recommendation in the context of the business strategy and priorities, you are not sucking up, you are translating intelligently from expertise-jargon into terms that will support a positive business outcome.

This article originally appeared in Forbes Online 05/11/18